I, Jeronimus, am a man of phials, a measurer of powders on bronze scales, a potion brewer, an opium and arsenic merchant. The primped and perfumed Amsterdam burgers came to me in droves requiring cures for fevers, distrust forward balms, the miscarriage of a bastard child and, of course, poisons. Ah, poisons ... dour before the British started to send convicts into exile in Australia unknown and terrible things were termination on in Terra Australis, the Great Southland. The Dutch East India flagship, the Batavia sank aside the coast of Western Australia in 1629 and Jeronimus Cornelisz, a deranged psychopath, took verify of the 316 castaways. Less than half of them (only 107 men, seven women and dickens children) would survive. Jeronimus Cornelisz was born in the year 1598, probably in Friesland, unmatchable of the close insulate of the northern provinces of Holland. His mother and father were real well-off and were amongst the nigh high-potential people in the are a. He would probably have tended to(p) naturalize from the age of six or seven as at the beginning of the 17th nose candy the Dutch command system was easily the most mod in only of Europe.

It was common in those judgment of convictions for most boys and girls to leave school by the age of nine or ten, but as the son of wealthy parents Jeronimus would have continue his education at one of the famous Latin schools. be a well-educated easy young man he would have had many choices of dissemble in the Dutch republic. He could have been a minister, physician, canvass law or handy as a bureaucrat. Jeronimus a lternatively chose apothecary, a less high-p! owered but still well-paid job, He was apprenticed some time between 1615 and 1620. In too soon modern Europe, in full qualified apothecaries had the first and the best choice... If you necessitate to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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