Monday, September 23, 2013


A cause That Did Not Last In 1833, a two-year-old pastor named Ralph Waldo Emerson started a move ment that touched domainy masses in a short amount of time. That movement was called the Transcendentalist Movement. We soon live in a society where our ideas are base off of the media or public opinion. Imagine a valet where each individual is encouraged to recollect for himself, sooner of allowing former(a) influences to make decisions for him. This is the world that Emerson dreamt of. One of the basic ideas of transcendentalism was the dogma that the individual was powerful. Transcendentalists opined that when an individual allows others to influence his or her ideas, he is rendered ignorant. Today, masses often comply with society, so that they can be sanctioned by others. An individual must think for himself in determine to achieve a true sense of self. I believe that this is true because you do not know who you are unless you describe yourself. In Self-Reliance, Emerson states, The virtue in closely pick up is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion.. In this quote, I think Emerson intumesce represents the idea that conformity is an enemy and we need liberty to battle it. A objet dart named Henry David Thoreau read round of Emersons essays and became monstrous with his ideas. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Thoreau became sort of a disciple to Emerson, and then transferring his own beliefs into the movement. He tested the Transcendentalist beliefs at Walden Pond. The essay that he wrote about Walden contains umteen beliefs of Transcendentalism such as that mans get together to nature is more im portant than mans company to other man. I! do not believe this because I believe that there is a connection with other men that needs to be there in order to perch sane. Thoreau also transferred the beliefs of Transcendentalism to some other celestial sphere; the political scene. In Civil Disobedience, he states, It [the government] has not the vitality and force of a single subsisting man; for a single man can bend...If you expect to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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